Keep the Flame Alive: Rekindling Love Through Marriage Encounter

Keep the Flame Alive: Rekindling Love Through Marriage Encounter

Reflecting on Your Marriage Encounter Experience
In these freezing days of January, let’s turn our thoughts to spring. On that journey to spring, we land on February, the month of love. Reflecting on your Marriage Encounter, think about how you felt when you arrived and the emotions you carried home. Were you able to keep the flame of that new discovery of your spouse alive? Were the commitments you made over the weekend sustained?

The Challenge: Keeping the Flame Alive
Memories of your Marriage Encounter weekend may bring to mind the deep emotional journey you experienced. Many couples arrive feeling disconnected, weighed down by life’s stresses. However, through meaningful dialogue and shared vulnerability, new levels of intimacy and understanding emerge. By the time couples return home, they may feel excitement and hope, but also apprehension about maintaining the momentum of their discoveries.

Keeping the flame alive requires consistent effort: regular communication, affirming actions, and recommitting to the love and goals set during the weekend. The true value of Marriage Encounter is not just in the weekend itself but in how those commitments are implemented in daily life.

Making Your Marriage Encounter Commitments Last
The commitments made during Marriage Encounter often focus on better communication, intentional acts of kindness, and prioritizing the relationship. Consistency is key. By creating habits to nurture the bond deepened during the weekend, couples can maintain and even grow the love they rediscovered.

Help Others Experience the Transformation
MN Marriage Encounter provides scholarships—full or partial—to ensure financial barriers don’t prevent couples from experiencing this transformative journey. These scholarships allow couples who might not afford the weekend to achieve the same renewal and growth.

How You Can Give Back This Valentine’s Day
Marriage Encounter is encouraging YOU to donate to our Scholarship Fund, culminating on Valentine’s Day, February 14th. Between the two of you and God, determine what you can give. Your gift will enable other couples to embark on this life-changing experience. Please give your gift of LOVE today by clicking here to donate.

@ marriageencounter

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